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Can Cats Eat Watermelon? Safe Fruits and Vegetables to Feed Your Feline

Published date: 03 October 2024

Our feline friends are known for their supposed pickiness… watch our video on Cat Fussiness.

 Whilst some cats will ignore anything on our plates, some are desperate to get their teeth around our dinner. Of course, certain foods such as cheese, milk, avocado, garlic and onions should never be fed to your feline.

However, there are some fruits and vegetables that can be safely given, if your cats are interested. Here are seven cat-safe fruit and vegetables.

1) Watermelon

This fruit is refreshing, delicious and low-calorie. A firm favourite for many people, especially during the hot summer months.

Watermelon is also perfectly safe for cats to consume but only when the seeds are removed. These seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic to our feline friends, but deseeded watermelon is perfectly safe.

Many cats enjoy the texture of watermelon, but be careful with how much you feed. Small bite-sized amounts of watermelon will likely go down a treat with some cats and can be cooling during the hot weather. As watermelons are naturally sugary it is best to avoid feeding them to overweight or diabetic cats.

2) Cucumber

Now I know what you are thinking. Aren’t cats afraid of cucumbers?

The truth is that cats are not inherently afraid of cucumbers or any vegetable. What has frightened cats in the many online cucumber videos, is the item sneaking behind them without their noticing.

The sudden appearance of objects can be terrifying for our cats and quite honestly unnerving for us too. Remember our homes are supposed to be their safe territory. Somewhere they can be fully relaxed and confident, so something unexpected being in their territory can be daunting.

So, cucumbers aren’t scary but are they healthy?

As it turns out, yes relatively so. Cucumbers aren’t required within a balanced healthy cat diet; however, they have a tempting texture that some cats enjoy so they can be consumed in moderation.

Cucumbers consist of mostly water so there is no harm in adding them to most cat diets. Just remember to stick to plain fresh cucumber, wash them thoroughly then remove all film and ideally the peel.

3) Apple

Apple is safe to feed your cat, but only the flesh. The stems, leaves and seeds all contain cyanide which is poisonous to our moggies.

Although your cat would have to chomp through a lot of seeds for toxicity to occur, it isn’t worth the risk. A few small chunks of plain apple are perfectly fine to treat your tabby with from time to time.

Avoid giving your cat dried apples or sweet-coated apples, as these are sugary and lack the water content of fresh fruit.

4) Carrots

Our cats can certainly indulge in a bit of carrot every so often. Carrots are safe and packed with fibre and vitamins. Technically cats can eat raw and cooked carrots.

If you are offering your cat raw carrot ensure you still wash and peel it, and make sure the pieces are small. Cats can bite off more than they can chew sometimes, so lower the risk of them choking by keeping the pieces bite sized.

Cooked carrots are softer and often the safer choice. Carrots can be boiled, steamed or baked!

5) Cranberries

Cranberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are all safe for cats to eat. These delicious tiny fruits contain lots of Vitamin C & A, plus a healthy dose of fibre.

Just remember as with any treat to feed in moderation and thoroughly wash all berries first.

If your cat has a craving for cranberries, why not use a natural dry food that includes them?

6) Spinach

This leafy green is perfectly safe for cats. Spinach is non-toxic it is also packed with valuable nutrients such as Vitamins K, Potassium and Calcium.

The only time it is advised to avoid spinach is if your cat has an existing kidney or urinary problem. This is because spinach naturally contains a mineral called calcium oxalate, which can increase the chances of crystals developing in the urinary tract.

If you want to give your furry friend a small amount of spinach it is best to steam it gently without any salt or added spices.

7) Mango

This delicious tender fruit is most certainly safe for cats. Although fresh mangoes are packed with vitamins, they aren’t needed for a healthy balanced cat diet. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t be given as a treat to your curious kitty.

If giving your cat mango, make sure to cut the flesh into small pieces, and remove all peel and any seeds.

Remember to keep an eye on your moggy anytime you feed them anything new and offer them sparingly as a treat.

Most fruits and vegetables contain lots of moisture which can be great for keeping your cat hydrated. If you want something guaranteed to get them drinking, try offering them a Canagan Cat Soup.

 If you need more help getting your cat to drink. Watch our video for tips on keeping your cat hydrated.

After a meatier treat for your moggy? Browse our natural cat treat range. 

Written by Lucy Marcham

Lucy teaches all aspects of the Pets Corner curriculum and specialises in animal nutrition, ensuring that our staff have the right knowledge and understanding of pet diets to assist customers with confidence and care.